Industrial users of Barranquilla’s Free Trade Zone service. We are part of Trading Group International S.A.S.
Inglobal’s main commitment is satisfying our customers’ needs and expectations, offering solutions in logistics, manipulation and bagging of cargo, guaranteeing an agile process to add value to their processes.
For 2019, to have presence in the international market, backed by the recognition obtained in a national level for being innovative in our processes during our 40 years of trajectory; standing out for our sensibility to the multiple changes in the market, our quality, our drive, and our service culture, supported by excellent human talent; we constantly strive to be a strategic ally for our customers, satisfying their needs, as well as those of the operation.
Offer complete solutions in logistics, manipulation and bagging of cargo, adding value to our clients’ processes, through our services benefits in a secure, reliable and efficient way, with optimal personnel and adequate infrastructure to satisfy our customers’ needs and continuously improve the efficiency of our processes.
Our Enterprises
We are leaders of the sector in Colombia
National Ground Transport Company.
Cargo mobilization solutions through our own vehicles.
Economic indicators
US Dolar/Pesos COP
Euro/Pesos COP
Euro/US Dolar
Our Associates
Carrera 61 No. 66-75 | PBX: (5)3360410 Extensión 107
Calle 20 No. 82-52 Oficina 335 Centro Empresarial Hayuelos | Tel.: (1)3596053 - (1)3567617Buenaventura
Calle 7 No. 3-11 Oficina 1204 Edificio Pacific Trade Center | Tel.: (572)2413704
Kilómetro 9, Vía Mamonal, Acceso 2 | Cel.: (+57)3135466591
Santa Marta
Calle 11 No. 1C-23 Edificio Posihueica Oficina 308-309 | Tel.: (5)4232837
Km 112, Vía Buenaventura - Buga, Glorieta de Media Canoa | Cel.: (+57) 3226552096